Thursday, February 6, 2014

We're lying on the moon

I saw the movie Her a week or so ago and have been obsessed with it since. The film is such a beautiful piece of work. From beginning to end I was enchanted by it all: screenplay, camera work, the ideas and underlying themes, etc.

I expected the film to be humorous, which it was, but I had no idea it would also have such heart and depth. Spike Jonze, Joaquin Phoenix, Scarlett Johansson and everyone involved in the film did such an amazing job, and I urge anyone who has not seen it yet to do so if you have the chance.

Blog redux

Hello again!
So I realize that I have not posted anything onto this blog for at least a year. Totally my bad, but I decided to take the year off after graduating for some much needed relaxation time and to clear my head.

Looking back on the year, I’d say that I made a smart decision.
I think everyone hits those moments in life where you start to doubt yourself and your goals, ambitions, dreams, abilities, etc. You also begin to wonder if the path you’re on is the right one, if you can actually do everything you want to… and trying to find a place to start can be quite overwhelming.

Sometimes you just need to take a step back, re-center yourself, and try again.
And that’s basically what I’ve done.

With that said, I’d like to introduce you to the new me: ready to go for it all and find my place in the world, for as long as it takes and for however hard I may have to fight for it.
I'll be posting much more from now on, promise.
Looking forward to starting over and meeting new people along the way!